
On fire, Is wood construction a mistake?

Fire resistance is essential in construction. By comparing materials such as concrete, timber, plywood and steel, we can determine which ones offer the best fire safety. How do different materials react to fire? Wood: a flammable material Wood is easily flammable, although it can be treated...

Architecture and well-being: The transformative power of space in our lives

Architecture as a promise of happiness Beauty, according to Stendhal, is “the promise of happiness,” a concept that finds its reflection in architecture when it transcends the functional to influence our emotions and well-being. Epigenetics, by studying how the environment affects gen...

Biomimetic architecture: Buildings that will save the world

Biomimetic architecture, inspired by solutions perfected by nature, is positioning itself as a key trend of the 21st century by addressing challenges such as climate change, urbanization and sustainability. But what makes it essential for the future? 1. Inspiration from nature: an inexhaustible s...

Comparison of architecture projects in slope

What is a sloping terrain? A sloping terrain is a terrain that has an inclination with respect to a horizontal plane. This slope can be slight or extreme, and its presence has a considerable influence on how the architectural design will be approached. Classification of slopes according to their...

The economic impact of large real estate projects

Large real estate projects are large-scale developments involving the construction of residential, commercial or mixed-use buildings in urban or rural areas. These projects usually require significant investments and detailed planning, as their implementation can drastically change the economic, soc...

The impact of architectural design on consumer psychology

Architectural design significantly influences consumer psychology, affecting their behavior, emotions and decisions. At the moment of purchase, the use of the senses and their stimulation becomes essential for the customer's experience with the products to be as close as possible.  This...