Conference: ON THE EDGE - A History made Architecture



Speaker:   Arq. Eduardo Gorozpe F.
Format:     Conference in person
Duration:   90 mins.
Contact:     Arq. Daniela Valencia (

For an architect, lines are the language with which ideas are built. The plans articulate the visions of the future to which we look forward and are the threshold from which we raise the structures that challenge the horizon. Contrary to the above, our practices have not been able to go beyond this premise, being mostly reproductions inconsistent with the urgent needs of inhabiting a world that is transformed at every instant.

From Eduardo Gorozpe's perspective, architecture is a bridge to new forms of interaction and community creation, of construction of spatial experiences that intertwine lives.

“On the Edge” is an autobiographical narrative, a mirror that allows Gorozpe to glimpse not only the future of his work, but also to reflect on his own present, inviting the viewer to enter into a disruptive conception of architecture, not only as a design exercise, but also as a process of memory, imagination and dreams.

Gorozpe's narrative is a symbolic journey in his work as an architect, a dance of intertwined times, a journey that oscillates between past, present and future, where each instant becomes a pillar of his vocation. It is a chronicle that emphasizes the path rather than the goal, a way of recovering what has been lost and reliving what has already been lived, where the past is not just a record, but a living emotion that is transformed into reflections that give life and infuse soul to each project: and each project is the possibility of drawing a new future...