H Store

This project was developed for a German company with more than 65 years in the Mexican market and presence in more than 80 industries, aimed at its business unit that specializes in personal care products. 

The project seeks to reinforce the company's presence in the Mexican market and offer a unique experience for its customers. The upper floor houses a beauty academy, while on the first floor a transition space was developed between the academy and the exterior. The main objective was to design a store linked to the exit of the academy, integrating the branding and visual identity of the brand.

An important part of the design was the use of the brand's identity manual, which gave us the guidelines for the use of colors and materials in the interior design of the store, which was adapted to the pre-existing architecture of the academy. 

The proposal focused on maximizing the available space with perimeter shelving and a central distribution that facilitates circulation. To improve visibility and control of the store, different heights were proposed for the sales islands. Materials such as laminated wood and red and black colors were used to create a welcoming and professional atmosphere. 

The existing staircase conditioned the design of the main storefront and functions as a control point before the exit. The arrangement of the shelves and the lighting highlight the products without overloading the space, while the curves in the furniture provide fluidity and accessibility. Hanging plants enrich the space, evoking a mane and symbolizing the aesthetic theme.

The personal care products store project represents a successful synthesis of functionality, aesthetics and branding, standing out for its attention to detail and its integration of contemporary design with the client's commercial needs.


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Project Design: A001 Taller de Arquitectura 
Design Team: Eduardo Gorozpe, Oscar Renucci, Manuel Carlos, Diego Vazquez, Lilian Garcia, Ángel Torres