Chaak Tower

The city is a reflection of ourselves and our values. It is a collective unit that reflects our human needs. However, it has been said that it has been built in such a way that it conditions our quality of life with spaces in which we cannot develop freely and fully. So, you might ask, what does a place really need to become a city?

If we see the city as a process rather than an object, we can understand that an architectural space, however small, can help form a larger and more diverse urban environment, where small gestures can have a positive long-term impact.

As an approach to the search for answers to this dilemma, Torre Chaak is born, a proposal that reconceptualizes the paradigm of the city as a series of isolated projects that interfere in how it is lived and rather seeks to rethink it as a process that looks beyond the sidewalk and dignifies the social dynamics that are established and found around it.

Chaak is a mixed-use development strategically located in downtown Cancun that aims to centralize activities and spaces to revitalize the currently deteriorated public area. The architectural program consists of three floors of parking, a ground floor for retail, one floor for offices, and the rest of the floors for housing and penthouses with terraces.

One of the most notable features is its commitment to generate social relations, both in its public square on the first floor and its permeability and connection with the rear green area "SM. 4 Park" These compositional elements trigger new forms of interaction, stimulating the inhabitant to experience new ways of living the city. The square in which the building is located stands out as a unique, fluid and open space in which the elements are freely arranged in relation to the surrounding landscape, being an invitation to rethink the role of open space in the city that allows the centralization and diversification of activities and provides a place of rest in an urban context in constant transformation.

In the search for spatiality in the city through the construction of community in public space, Torre Chaak is an initiative of urban strategies that promote the regeneration of the city by promoting accessibility, community building and a more accessible supply of facilities and services that allows the reinvention of dynamics that recognize the city and connect it with the inhabitant. 


Design Project: A-001 Taller de Arquitectura
Design Team: Eduardo Gorozpe, Oscar Renucci, Manuel Carlos, Angel Torres, Ivana Arvizu, Diego Vázquez, Andrea Fedorova, Alondra Martínez